The trend has reached every level in the supply chain: manufacturers, retailers, architects, designers and engineers now actively promote and utilize environmentally-safe and energy-efficient lighting systems. No wonder so many are turning to energy focused companies like Project Labihzad and our breakthrough energy efficient lighting ideas.

Project Labihzad provides a user-focused system to provide its clients with energy efficient lighting. Whether a hotel or commercial building, residential or office complex, factory or out-door illumination, we have a tailored solution to reduce energy consumption while keeping the desired illumination level

With our precised energy audit and recommendations, Up to 80% energy consumption savings, much lower maintenance costs, and materials that are safer and friendlier to the environment will be achieved in our client’s facility.

Our system standards are

  •   Durable – superior engineering
  •   Low consumption with huge cost saving pay back

Lighting Design

Project Labihzad attributes high importance to creation, development and renewal. We keep innovating our design and technologies, using only the highest quality products. So we remain a trendsetter in our branch.

Light Facility Management

Project Labihzad offers to think and act for their clients in the area of light facility management so as to allow them concentrate on their core business.We have taken time to create organized procedures towards management of light.

Special Lamps

We stock the lamps as manufactured for original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and also source lamps that match or exceed the specifications of the OEM; the notable point being that we carry stock of various makes from several quality manufacturers across the globe